Høringssvar - revurdering af GDPR

English resume of a danish post Citizen First has forwarded a response (in danish) to a Danish Ministry of Justice hearing about Review of GDPR.

GDPR has created a stir of complaints among developers and business operator who find it hard to deal with the requirement of "data protection". No big Surprise - as it is almost impossible to secure and ensure digital processes protect, respect and adopt to individual need after citizens are identified and control over the process and data have transferred.

Attempt to solve the problem through weakening rights forget

  1. that the problem is both real and solvable.
  2. that the cause of the problem is identification in the first place and that BigData AI is a systemic negative spiral damaging citizens and society.
  3. that GDPR actually balance the need for continuity with the need to restructure digital design to put citizens back in control with pseudonym signature as the most important element.

Vi påpeger at BigData AI gør mere skade end gavn, samt at samfundet har bedre alternativer. Problemet er ikke at GDPR er besværligt, men at man end ikke er begyndt at data minimere. F.eks. efterlader en dårlig digital infrastruktur udviklerne i en næsten håbløs situation. Svaret er at understøtte psedonyme signaturer, så udviklerne kan skabe løsninger uden at opsamle persondata.

Link til høringssvar som PDF - BigData AI drunker babyen i badevandet